Bienvenue sur VOTRE Top 10 mensuel ! Ci-dessous, vous retrouverez les 10 articles que VOUS avez préférés en mars. Et autant le dire tout de suite, il y en a pour tous les goûts !
Read More10 великолепных идей для дизайна сада →
настоящая отдушина для тех, кто любит проводить время на природе. Не упускаем возможности нового сезона и уже начинаем планировать дополнения и обновки!
Read MoreRenovating on a budget →
Home extensions are what many homeowners strive for and fondly dream of, but we know they're not always within budget. Luckily, we have a few suggestions that would look good in any home and you won't have to deplete your life's savings to do it! This is an example of what you can achieve buy building a cabin in the garden around your home.
Read More10 Kesalahan Saat Membangun Garasi →
Membangun garasi terdengar seperti sebuah tugas yang tidak mudah. Namun jangan khawatir, dengan sedikit teknik dan pengalaman siapapun bisa membuat garasi sendiri. Termasuk juga Anda!
Read More22 stylish ways to extend your home’s space →
22 ideas ingeniosas para ampliar una casa pequeña →
Muchas veces los metros cuadrados y el presupuesto se pueden quedar cortos en nuestro hogar. Es ahí donde debe surgir la creatividad para encontrar las posibilidades para extender nuestro espacio de vida, ya sea ampliando en la estructura o añadiendo un pequeño patio. Pero aun así te preguntarás ¿Cómo lograrlos? Pues la verdad es que te sorprenderías de la infinidad de maneras que lo puedes hacer.
Read MoreTop 5: from a DIY garage project to a low-cost prefab home →
And here we are again, another week has passed and we are giving you a chance to read our most popular articles. Here is your chance to re-read your favorite articles and/or find new ones. We begin our countdown with a DIY article:
Read More22 easy ways to make a small home bigger →
If you have a small home, that you are keen to make a little larger and easier to use, it can be tempting to try and add a huge extension, but that's a costly endeavor that will take a lot of time and effort. Instead, we want you to consider something smaller and more cost-effective, that will still open up your home in a beautiful and effective way, but whilst causing minimal disruption during the building process.
Read More10 small houses that can fit in your garden! →
Small is versatile. Repeat that mantra in building a house within a house. These days, being smart and practical mean investing in things that are useful, spectacular, and affordable at the same time. And why should you do it?
Read MoreThis small home is so easy to build
If you're looking for a studio-type home that's easily convertible for leisure and for parties, then this article is for you. Let's take a look into this project called Garden Studio Man cave that is basically a rectangular-like building. It's so compact that it can be placed in the backyard.
Read MoreThe creation of an incredible garden man cave! →
A bespoke garden studio which doubles as both a home study and an entertainment facility for use throughout the year!
Read MoreNa tyłach domu wybudował garaż – ale to, co z nim zrobił, zaskakuje →
Zazwyczaj, gdy potrzebujemy dodatkowej przestrzeni mieszkalnej, decydujemy się na zagospodarowanie poddasza lub piwnicy.
Read MoreHow a pile of bricks became the perfect garden house →
The team of architects from Samuel Kendall Associates Limited had a rather peculiar challenge on their hands when they took up this project. They were merely given a plot of land and a ton of grey bricks, and tasked with creating a space where the residents could unwind and entertain.
Read MoreFalta de espaço? Um anexo no seu jardim →
Se tem algum espaço disponível no seu terreno, saiba como poderá aproveitar da melhor forma este espaço. Pode parecer um pouco ambicioso ou até muito caro, mas talvez nós sejamos capazes de lhe convencer que é possível. Neste livro de ideias apresentamos uma divisão construída no jardim: uma extensão da casa, que funciona tanto para o trabalho quanto para o lazer.
Read More2016 年讓我們相信奇蹟的改造專案 →
Read More12 sposobów aby zwiększyć przestrzeń domu →
Domki ogrodowe wymyślono jako oddzielną pomieszczeń domową, które mogą być wykorzystana do wielu celów. Sprawdzi się, równie dobrze, jako sala zabaw, altana, kuchnia na zewnątrz czy pokój dla gości.
Read MoreUne extension de rêve que vous aussi pourrez construire →
Vous souhaitez élargir vos espaces de vie, mais de la cave au grenier votre maison est pleine à craquer et vous souhaitez conserver votre garage comme espace à part entière ? Pourquoi ne pas vous inspirer du projet de nos experts architectes Samuel Kendall Associates Limited ? Tout droit venus du Royaume-Uni et plus précisément de la ville de Berkeley, ces professionnels ont créé dans le jardin de leur client un espace tout à fait inattendu et inédit ! En avant pour la visite !
Read More마당에 만들 수 있는 나만의 별장 →
小成本大改造:廢棄花園化身華麗度假屋 →
Read MoreA man built an extra house in the courtyard—and It was fantastic! →
Traditionally, if we need some extra space in our house we build a room on the top floor or basement area. But, here the gossip will be about a unique and incredible way of adding structure in the house.
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