01964 544480 / info@samuelkendall.co.uk

Passive Solar Home
Market Weighton, East Riding of Yorkshire
This project radically upgrades an existing early 20th-century semi into a contemporary sustainable home integrating passive strategies of solar gain, thermal mass and stack ventilation to achieve the highest quality internal environment with no energy input from the grid. The extension also dissolves the boundary between garden and living space making a strong visual and physical connection to nature.
The project will be made using sustainably sourced reclaimed brickwork and clay tiles taking the existing character of the home into the 21st century.
We have designed this proposed extension as an integral part of the existing dwelling’s massing, enabling the existing kitchen to be remodelled as an open plan kitchen dining dayroom space, updating of the existing hallway and utility room & creating a further bedroom at first floor level as well as internal works to provide en-suites to existing bedrooms.

Planning Approach
The NPPF sets out the core planning principles and states that planning should proactively drive and support sustainable economic development to deliver homes and businesses, not simply be about scrutiny, but instead be a creative exercise in finding ways to enhance and improve development.
Paragraphs 186 & 187 of the NPPF states:
“should approach decision-taking in a positive way to foster the delivery of sustainable development ... look for solutions rather than problems and ...seek to approve applications for sustainable development where possible”
The Development Plan - which in this instance comprises the East Riding Local Plan Strategy Document (ERLP SD) (April 2016) and specifically:-
S1 - Presumption in favour of sustainable development
ENV1 - Integrating High Quality Design
ENV6 - Managing Environmental Hazards
Having assessed the Environment Agency’s on-line database for potential flood risk issue, we have established that this site is located in the northern part of Market Weighton, outside Flood Zones 2 & 3. This site is therefore considered to have a very low probability of flooding.